Funny you should ask! He is element number 91, abbreviated to Go.
This isn't the first time we've seen the wettest battle from the Lord of the Rings trilogy recreated in LEGO, but…
We all know the scene: It starts when a character in a fantasy story swears an oath. An oath... in blood. He…
Chris Anderson works at Turbine (Lord of the Rings Online) as a senior concept artist. Prior to that, he's worked…

Or would it be more accurate to say these are the thoughts of Andy Serkis, the man behind Gollum in the The Lord…
Flowcharts sure can be helpful. They allow us to break down life's challenges in a logical way. They can help us…

When a house full of dwarves starts singing Misty Mountain, it's perhaps the saddest moment in the new Hobbit…
Chinese artist Jian Guo is a very talented man, and a massive Lord of the Rings fan. The gorgeous images you're…
DeviantArt user Saddayscrochet made this for her brother. It's an all-in-one dwarf helmet-and-beard combo, based on…
What you're looking at here is the result of over 3000 hours of work and, insanely, two million pieces of LEGO. It's…
An unnamed but clearly wealthy and eccentric man who lives in the "Pennsylvania countryside" has allowed…
Opinions on The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey are like those bookends that came with the collector's edition of The…
Tales of Middle-Earth is an ambitious mod that seeks to bring the world of Lord of the Rings not to some modern…

What was once a throwaway line in a 3.5-hour long movie has, thanks to the slow burn of Sean Bean's amazingness,…
Today, The Hobbit releases in theaters. While it looks like a video game, there's an actual video game you can…

It's sort of been unofficial Lord of the Rings week here at Kotaku, hasn't it? Guess everyone's just excited about …

Brotherhood Workshop return with another LEGO Lord of the Rings video, this time about Helm's Deep.

The new Lego Lord of the Rings game for consoles and PC is terrific in many ways. One amazing aspect: how closely…
In honor of my (and our) recent rewatch of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, I thought I'd share this oldie but goodie…
Over Thanksgiving weekend, I rewatched The Lord of the Rings. It was partly because The Hobbit is almost upon us,…