In 2011, Sony released LittleBigPlanet 2 for the PlayStation 3. Two years later, Sacremento, California's News10…

I have no idea how this was done, but then, I fell off the LittleBigPlanet wagon a long time ago. This is "Hyper…

Gamer Jamie Colliver poured six months of his life into recreating classic role-playing game Final Fantasy VII in L…

As a game, LittleBigPlanet 2 was all about motion and physics. It was a Rube Goldbergian dream diorama, a series of…
Remember that PlayStation Move controller you bought last year? Well, they're still making games for it! Resistance 3…

Today is the day, LittleBigPlaneteers! The day Media Molecule's second helping of sackboy madness is controllable…

LittleBigPlanet 2 will roll a PlayStation Move-enabled DLC pack on Sept. 14. Pricing isn't set yet, but with the…

Making video games is an incredibly lengthy, detailed and technical process. It would be impossible to visualise…

More than four million levels have been created by the LittleBigPlanet 2 community, but few-if any-are like this:…
Since its release in January, LittleBigPlanet 2's community has created more than four million levels for the PS3…

Drive up the volume for this user-created level from LittleBigPlanet 2, an homage to World 1-1 from Super Mario…
PlayStation 3 platformer LittleBigPlanet 2 is expert at doing many things—imitating other video games, imitating clas…

I've seen so many great things in LittleBigPlanet 2, but I didn't know that the best thing yet would be a…

LittleBigPlanet 2 for the PlayStation 3 is a fantastic little toolbox, capable of creating video games of all…

Give this Show About Games Show clip ten seconds to let you know what's going on. Give it thirty to warm your…

Why does the PlayStation 3 need a new LittleBigPlanet when users of the first game continue to flood it with new…
Waiting for her friend to come home so they can play the game together, Flickr user iwinatcookie gets creative with…