Behold: the Gyakuten Kenji booth, encased within Capcom's monstrous Tokyo Game Show setup. Isn't it just great?…
Not all booth companions have to show skin. Some don't have to show any at all. This booth companion doesn't have to…
Let's TGS. Like we said, this year's Microsoft TGS booth is special. Not for the games, necessarily (OK, for the…
We rolled by the Yakuza 3 booth in Sega's space a bit too late to gain entry to the age restricted theater, but we…
Let's TGS. We'd heard Microsoft and Square Enix were close this TGS. That they were best buds. That their booths…
Mike's already there. Crecente's there. And Ashcraft, well, he's always there. Me, I'm about to board my flight to…