My roommate Hilary is obsessed with figure skating, and is watching the currently airing Junior Grand Prix. The…
My roommate Hilary is obsessed with figure skating, and is watching the currently airing Junior Grand Prix. The…
Fancy a quick jaunt with Lara Croft before she got all fancy and realistic? With Timur Gagiev’s OpenLara project,…
The part of 2015 Xbox One game Rise of the Tomb Raider that will be new to all gamers this week is Blood Ties, an…
Lara Croft’s latest adventure is surprisingly religious. It’s not just about the good aspects of a communal belief…
Almost everyone who played it said there weren’t enough tombs in the 2013 reboot of Tomb Raider. Its sequel is out…
Five bucks spent and an hour in, I’m having a very good time with Lara Croft GO, the new mobile Tomb Raider spin-off…
In the 2013 reboot of Tomb Raider, Lara Croft was a plucky young adventurer who wasn’t all that comfortable bashing…
A turn-based Tomb Raider for mobile devices. Following up on the success of Hitman Go, Square Enix announces Lara Croft Go, a step-by-step adventure coming soon to rectangular things with touch screens.
It used to be that only female video game characters could rock booty shorts. But it's 2014, and people are taking…
You might think it's cool that you can dress Lara Croft and her next game's three co-stars as if they were actually…
It's a pretty big map to play CS:GO on, but definitely a fun one. The level takes the maze, the pool, the training…
The isometric Guantlet-style Tomb Raider game Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris is coming out in December, a Crystal Dynamics developer said in a recent interview with IGN. Square Enix first announced it was working on a sequel to the cult hit Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light at E3 last month, saying the game… Read more
Cosplayer Carla Croft wanted to cosplay as Lara Croft, but instead of the most recent version, she went for the…
You'd think that gender-bending Lara Croft cosplay would result in Indiana Jones cosplay, but nope. This is what you…
If you liked last year's Tomb Raider reboot, you're probably hungry for news on a sequel. Dark Horse Comics'…
Lara Croft's latest visual evolution in Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, while noteworthy, is actually one of many…
Would that first Tomb Raider game still have been as fun if you couldn't have seen Lara Croft's famous figure?…
Look, Gaming Heads, I know you're all excited about introducing the new Tomb Raider line to the public, but who is…
Here's a clip where Conan talks about why and how he actually got into reviewing games for his Clueless Gamer…