A dreamy new character has appeared on our farms in FarmVille 2. Say hello to Gus, a character created by Zynga that…
Baby Gaga's Doodle Roulette is a Facebook drawing game that features a nifty way to let all of your friends play…
Right now, instead of reading this, you could be playing Leap Day. If you have the Unity plug-in in your browser and…

You're an alien from a distant planet, sent to Earth to harness the most powerful force in the universe, generated…
Crop mastery has long been a staple of FarmVille 2. But farmers have never had that same "master them all" incentive…
No matter how you feel about the popular social/mobile game Words with Friends, you have to appreciate a property…
Dear Playdom, when you announce a playable "villain" for the wildly popular Facebook role-playing game Avengers…
In addition to the Love is in the Air items that have been released in the store in FarmVille 2, productive farmers…

I had completely forgotten how much fun the classic strategy board game Stratego was until I played the online…
Clinging tenaciously to its top spot on the Facebook daily active users list, King.com's Candy Crush Saga keeps…

Console quality games are a hard sell on Facebook. Each day millions of people log into Facebook to tend their…
Even with bugs, the show in ChefVille must go on, which is the case this week when it comes to Bello's Burger event…
The Burger Station event has wrapped up in ChefVille, and the Valentine's Day event is at its halfway point, So, Zyng…
The company famous for making step one in setting up your new computer removing the WildTangent Games App takes its…
Launched this week by Desert River Games, Safari Challenge is an example of the sort of Facebook games I admire the…
You've had a complete look at the new Chinese New Year decorations, crops, animals and trees in the FarmVille 2…
It's become a tradition in Hidden Chronicles that players are introduced to a new set of themed quests when Zynga…
Since King.com released the mobile version of popular Facebook puzzler Candy Crush Saga, I've been praising the…
Sublime browser-based strategy game Highgrounds just updated with 14 new characters and lots more. You should play it. Read more