For years now, a steady stream of new Pokémon games have been coming out. If you've played one, you basically know…
One Piece: Kaizoku Musou is an upcoming collaboration between Namco Bandai and Koei Temco.
Fab Style isn't just a fashion game. It's a management sim. There's pink. And hearts. The game's even got Prince…
With Dynast Warriors Next, hack-and-slash series Dynastt Warriors is coming to the PS Vita. The game uses…
This year isn't over. It's more than half over. Time to look back and see which game maker is doing the best in…
Brace yourself—not for the gameplay footage—but for the guitar soundtrack. Dynasty Warriors is coming to the PS…
Slicing and dicing, Ninja Gaiden 3 is a bloody overture all things ninja. The game is set in London and is headed…
The 3DS's line-up is slimmer in Sweden. Fighting game Dead or Alive: Dimensions isn't currently on the website for…
The upcoming Samurai Warriors 3Z won't make its intended Japan January release. According to Koei Tecmo, the game…
Hack-and-slash series Dynasty Warriors is getting a new game. It also features a horse getting drop-kicked in the…
Koei Tecmo's long running hack-and-slash franchise Dynasty Warriors gets a new entry next spring, Dynasty Warriors…
And it starts. The Tokyo Game Show has kicked off its first day. Today is a business day, and the show floor will…
Yes, the DS I am holding here is upside down. I have a good reason for that. I am playing a cutting-edge game.
As previously posted, Tecmo Koei has delayed not one, but two titles: Both Quantum Theory and Trinity: Souls of…
Kenji Matsubara, Tecmo Koei Holdings honcho, expects big things of recently announced multi-platform title Hokuto…
The manga (Hokuto no Ken) debuted in 1983 and went on to spin off two animated series and motion pictures.
The post-apocalyptic martial arts manga Fist of the North Star (Hokuto no Ken) is coming to the PlayStation 3 and…
Last night Koei Tecmo threw a little party at the Hotel New Otani. They introduced all of their developers and…
Japanese game makers Koei and Tecmo have merged, officially forming Koei Tecmo Holdings as of this April. But does…