A clinical neurologist at the University of Oxford is working on a pair of glasses that is meant to help the near…
Project Mimicry, an indie concept piece for Kinect, is a sandbox game in the truest sense of the word: it uses a…
Next year, Nintendo is releasing a new home console, the Wii U. Taiwanese component makers tell tech site DigiTimes…
I have this silly daydream of a Kinect-enabled baseball game. In it, you can call for your runner to steal by going…
At E3 in 2009 (and 2010), Microsoft's Kinect camera was promising, but also glitchy. At E3 2011, it looked more…
I heard great things about Mother Nature last week at the Games For Change conference in New York City. I heard one…
This video gives us a unique opportunity to see behind the wall that one would hope separates entertainment from…
Rise of Nightmares is shaping up to be, if nothing else, the most adult video game coming to the Xbox 360's…
Soon Xbox 360 gamers will be able to get some use out of their Kinect: Interacting with a new suite of multimedia…
Microsoft Game Studios VP Phil Spencer has told GameSpot "We believe that Kinect will be important to all genres of…
It's not the fact that he's cute that makes me mad. It's that he's cute and better than me.
At the Tokyo Game Show, booth companions wear skimpy outfits. Some say it's degrading, some like it. Microsoft's…
"Xbox," I say, "Streak 20," and the huddle breaks. My quarterback trots up to the line. I instinctively half-squat…
If you like Mass Effect for its blockbuster bits—the explosions, the futuristic set pieces involving giant alien…
Azo was skeptical about Kinect. Then he got it, and found out he liked it. Know what else he likes? Swinging his…
The E3 news conference demonstration for Fable: The Journey, the Kinect-enabled next entry in the role-playing…
For Microsoft, the E3 2011 recipe read much like E3 2010's—Kinect, and lots of it. The head of Microsoft's Game…
For as long as brothers have swatted one another with wrapping-paper tubes, Star Wars fans have wanted something,…
Some of us would admit to playing Just Dance in the privacy of our own homes. I'm not saying I would, mind…
Minecraft is officially coming to the Xbox 360 this Fall. When it hits, though, don't be surprised if it's not the…