Late last month, Capcom revealed Mega Man Legends 3 for the Nintendo 3DS. The game's executive producer Keiji…
Guess Capcom legend Keiji Inafune wasn't kidding around when he said he hated his job : the Capcom exec said today…
Keiji Inafune produced Dead Rising, which is influenced by George Romero's Dawn of the Dead. It wasn't just that…
In a recent interview, Capcom's Keiji Inafune (of Dead Rising and Onimusha fame) talks about the impossible, doing…
In the last couple of years, Keiji Inafune (Dead Rising, Mega Man) has become a somewhat controversial figure in…
Osaka-based studio Capcom is already working on Super Street Fighter IV and Resident Evil for the Nintendo 3DS.…
As part of a promotion for Dead Rising 2, Capcom had pin-up model Izumi Hinata play through the game in a bikini.…
If you have played any of Hideo Kojima's games, you have probably noticed the "A Hideo Kojima Game" title card.…
The Japanese game industry is dead. This week has been a flashback of last year's Tokyo Game Show — complete with gl…
So says Capcom's Keiji Inafune, hanging not only his countrymen but his own company out to dry.
Things are getting underway at Capcom's pre-Tokyo Game Show event in Roppongi. The Osaka-based game developer is…
At last year's Tokyo Game Show, Capcom's Keiji Inafune (Mega-Man, Dead Rising) famously declared that the Japanese…
Capcom, the studio behind Resident Evil, loves sequels. That's fine, people love Capcom sequels. How does another…
Is Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune as adept at directing movies as he is creating video game icons? Find out, as we…
The creator of Mega Man, Keiji Inafune, and producer on the recently announced Mega Man Universe, Akiko Ito,…
Zombies invade a fictional Las Vegas dubbed Fortune City in Dead Rising 2, but the original location was something…
Keiji Inafune, creator of Dead Rising, has directed a movie version of Dead Rising, pegged for digital…
And not *just* Japanese developers, but some of the biggest names in the business.
Zombrex Dead Rising Sun, the movie inspired by Dead Rising and directed by Mega-Man creator Keiji Inafune, will be…
Last year's "main visual" for the Tokyo Game Show gaming expo featured a hodgepodge of images and a very bland…