Disneyland attraction "Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye" has been recreated by a modder in…
Everyone loves Star Wars, right? And Indiana Jones? But do you love them so much you'd sign into PlayStation Home…
Back at GDC in 2006, Lucasarts showed off some footage of a "next-gen" Indiana Jones game. It looked great! Fast…
Summer means sun. Weeks off school, days off work, Coronas under a palm tree as a sea breeze washes over you. But it…
1975, Jaws — "It was the Village East theater in Birmingham, Alabama. And we rode in my sister's husband's Trans…
New footage on StarWars.com shows Millenium Falcon pilot Han Solo as a playable/unlockable character in upcoming…
The official site for Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings now includes a nice selection of screens and some new…
We've already seen the trailer and been properly prepared by Nintendo Power's own teasing, so the cover treatment…
Wait, the Wii? Yes, it looks like rumors about Indy's demise on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 platforms were pretty…
The last time we heard about the Indiana Jones game was back in March when Vanity Fair mentioned it would use the…
Yup, it's more from the GameStop Expo showroom floor! Latest whispers to drift out of Vegas and float across the…
European video game content rater PEGI has just, well, rated what looks like a new Indiana Jones game for the DS and…
But did you know that it's been featured in at least 48 video games? From Ant City to Timesplitters 2, Mr. Juandrful…
With LEGO adding a delicious layer of licensing to properties like Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Batman to generally…
Summer blockbusters don't just line the pockets of film studio executives and actors working on a percentage of the…
So, if seeing Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull left you a little disappointed, and you're…
And it's quite possible that this is viral marketing for the upcoming title (out in June), if not the movie (this…