At first glance, The Hidden looks an awful lot like Face Raiders, one of the free augmented reality games…
Rage opens with a glimpse of a fictional future once considered possible.
It wasn't until 72 hours later, when I flew home and resumed an old save file in Batman: Arkham Asylum that I truly…
Plants Vs. Zombies, PixelJunk Monsters, Command & Conquer: A lot of video games come to mind when you first play Star…
Beautiful adventure game Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet comes to Xbox Live Arcade next week. It is a mysterious,…
Depending upon the consoles you own, the bad news about GoldenEye: Reloaded may still be the good news. It is most…
San Francisco is a city long associated with rights movements, idealism, and rallies for peace, making it a useful…
The video game version of The Adventures of Tintin isn't always a platformer, but when it is it feels a lot like a…
The nondescript opening scenes of Resistance 3 seemed to me to fit the game: Everything is brown, bland, boring.…
For a guy who can't seem to survive two minutes in the foreboding, swords-and-dungeons world of Dark Souls, I must…
It has come to my attention that people get angry about Zelda video games.
I've played as army men, bounty hunters, spies and killers. I've built towering office buildings as a city planner.…
It's a good thing the Autobots, Decepticons, and the rest of their ilk are sentient robots. It would be an absolute…
I was a big fan of the opening Deus Ex comic that hit stands in February. Not so of the Rage comic that arrived…
At the price of just a few dollars L.A. Noire gamers can see what this spring's gently-paced acclaimed detective…
"You don't want to play as Rayman?" the Ubisoft demonstrator asked. "Most people go right for him." I explained that…
At E3, I visited the 2K Games booth every day of the show. Every day I went there, I saw these two guys from High…
In video games, death is anything but final. We've been playing games with some form of immortality or reincarnation…
Don't think of Tomb Raider as an origin story, think of it instead as a sort of metaphorical creation myth, a game…
"Xbox," I say, "Streak 20," and the huddle breaks. My quarterback trots up to the line. I instinctively half-squat…