Time was, there were loads of rootin’, tootin’ cowboy comics on spinner racks everywhere. But none of those books…
It’s become a bit of a cliché to say that living people—and not the shambling undead—are the most interesting thing…
Sex that gives you superpowers sounds awesome, right? But, in one new comic-book series that came out last week,…
Trouble's around every corner in the comics that Stephen Totilo and I talk about in this week's Panel Discussion…
You don’t work at Kotaku. But if you did, you’d see a constant comics-centric conversation going back and forth…
Batman ’66 #1: It’s that most miserable of times in the mainline Batman continuity, the period after someone close…
FF #8: The tricky thing (sorry, that was totally unintentional) about picking a standout moment from reading a…
Daredevil: End of Days #8 Daredevil's a superhero who's constantly in thrall to his emotions It often seems like…
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #23 - People who’ve worn the webbed mask have abandoned being Spider-Man before. The…
Greg Rucka doesn't seem like somebody who needs help making his dreams come true. This is, after all, a man who…
So far, Matt Fraction’s writing on Hawkeye has been shot through with a rough-and-tumble, devil-may-cay energy,…
Yesterday, all of the internet was ablaze with the news that Saga #12—Image Comics' sci-fi adventure drama by Brian…
Tomorrow’s Saga #12—the latest issue of Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples’ critically acclaimed series—won’t be…
Get it right, people: the women who’ve worn the mantle of the Femme Fatale in Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillip’s…
So you all read the latest issue of Brian Vaughan and Fiona Staples' awesome sci-fi family drama and thought I was…
I love Alfred Pennyworth. And, man, it sucks to see him weeping in Batman and Robin #18.
This panel tells you all you need to know about Age of Ultron #1. The staging in the panel immediately communicate…
If you're here in the Panel Discussion programming block, you might be a lapsed comics reader, trying to find a way…
If you're here in the Panel Discussion programming block, you might be a lapsed comics reader, trying to find a way…
If you're here in the Panel Discussion programming block, you might be a lapsed comics reader, trying to find a way…