Action figures normally aren't funny, but McFarlane's Halo Anniversary piece is good for a chuckle. Better still,…
As it did a year before, on Bungie Day (July 7), the Halo creators made available to the public the Bungie Armor and…
With the ten year anniversary of the release of the original Xbox shooter Halo looming, Titan Books is preparing to…

This is veteran actor Jeff Steitzer. He's done Broadway. Law & Order. Oh, and if you've ever played Halo, chances…
Gaming has characters with memorable personalities. But Master Chief, the protagonist of the Halo series, is a…
Isaac Hannaford is a concept artist at former Halo developers (and series creators) Bungie, who recently got the…

Nothing says serious business like a slow pan through a minutely detailed diorama set to moody music.
Wondering what happens to Master Chief after the events of Halo 3? He got old. And sick.

Color me surprised, especially since I played through the game twice and didn't notice him, but the Master Chief…
Halo: Reach, as much as I loved it, also brings with it some bad tidings. Eventually, one day, the success of Reach…

Bungie's writers considered extending the saga of Master Chief beyond Halo 3 - whose ending certainly left an…
The public relations war we sometimes call E3 has begun a few days early, it seems, with Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg…
A day after making Halo 3 available to Xbox 360 owners as a downloadable game, Microsoft let Kotaku know that while…
Back in 2008, the people who made Halo 3 had a warning for fans: Play the game from the disc; not from a harddrive.…

Video games aren't just about the games, the story or the graphics. Oh, no. Music is so incredibly important. And…
A new service launches tomorrow, called GameCrush, where men can pay money to play over Xbox Live with an…
It's a terrible thought to ponder. But it could explain why other people play video games you are certain stink:…
Once Halo Reach hits, bringing with it a brand new multiplayer experience and separate servers, does that mean Halo…
When Halo 3 hit in the fall of 2007 there were celebrations, sick days and sales records broken. Two years later,…