Gears of War has always felt as though it was built with metaphor in mind. The slam of a clip locking into place;…
The lines were long, the whole venue is underground and glowing motorcycles were parked outside.
Gears of War 3 has day-one downloadable content. It won't make you better at the game, but it'll make your guns in…
We already knew you could turn on mature language and gore filters for Gears of War 3, but here's a look at how…
Right now, 17,889 people are playing Gears of War 3's campaign on an online-connected Xbox 360, according to the…
Reddit user jinoxide lucked out and got his mail-order copy of Gears of War 3 a little early. Perhaps to cover their…
Like Gears of War on Facebook and the Ice-T voiced Aaron Griffin is yours to do with as you please in Gears of War 3…
David Tyson, aged nineteen years, is sitting outside of the Best Buy Theatre in Times Square for next week's Gears…
Need a refresher course on Gears of War history on the eve of the release of the third installment? Epic Games has…
Epic's Gears of War 3 offers a deep, feature-rich package—between its copious multiplayer modes, lengthy campaign,…
Go ahead. Look the grizzled, battle-scarred Marcus Michael Fenix in the face and tell him his third game sucks. You…
OK, not really. It's the special edition Gears of War 3 Xbox 360 console, which happens to include the upcoming…
GameStop sent us a box of underwear, t-shirts and steak seasoning to help promote their Go Commando Gears of…
The first act of Gears of War 3 is impressively muscular and surprisingly graceful, a role model for shooter fans…
Late last week, Microsoft was kind enough to send along a massive box containing the Epic Edition of Gears of War 3.…
There will be more than 20,000 midnight launches next week to kick off the release of Xbox 360's Gears of War 3.
The 'Shop Contest we run on weekends is for bragging rights only. deviantART don't fuck around, however. It's…
Ice-T, rapper, actor, original gangster, Gears of War fan and occasional unboxer, directs his taking things out of…
Artist Michael Myers was brought in by t-shirt team High Score Society to design a range of gear in which modern…
In anticipation of the upcoming Gears of War 3, Microsoft and Epic contracted novelist and Extra Lives: Why Video…