2K, Gearbox, and AAU are working on an animated short film set in the Borderlands universe. It is due later this year.
Inside a publisher or a studio, there are few surprises when a video game bombs in its reviews. Before it goes from…
Not that they all agree, oh no. To call Aliens: Colonial Marines divisive would be an understatement. Reactions have…
On Feb. 26, you can get a disc compilation of all Borderlands 2 DLCs up to Torgue's Campaign on Xbox360/PS3 for $29.99. Read more
Reader Parrish E. admitted to tooting his own horn by sending this tip to us, but we'll allow it, because his…
We've known for a while that fan favorite Cpl. Hicks was going to be in Aliens: Colonial Marines—the story fits in…
IGN today reported that Borderlands 2's level cap, currently at 50, will rise sometime in the first three months of…
What do you do when you visit the Badass Crater of Badassitude? You try to become the number one badass. Duh. The…
Gearbox lead writer Anthony Burch says Borderlands 3 is being planned. Shocking!
Borderlands and Demon's Souls were two of 2009's biggest hits, measured by sales and/or popular acclaim. So…
Pandora is a harsh and unforgiving planet to the unwary. What chance do eight video game critics have against the…
We've seen some swell Borderlands cosplay leading up to Tuesday's release of Borderlands 2, but those were in…
It's always "Mechromancer this" or "Nerchromancer" that. Why does no one call the robot-riding downloadable…
Scuttlebutt going back to the summer had suggested that 2K Games would offer all of Borderlands 2's downloadable…
Back at E3 I was dismayed to learn that, thanks to prudes overseas, Borderlands 2's darkly humorous death animations…
For a time, Borderlands' makers considered developing and releasing an official mod toolkit, but realized that its…
I loved Borderlands, the way you love memories of a summer or a semester when you first read a favorite book. Yet…
The Borderlands 2 hands-on demo at E3 involves a bunch of 25-level characters from each of the game's four classes,…
You'll finally get your chance to snuggle up to the deadly Xenomorphs of the Aliens film franchise when Aliens:…
We haven't heard much out of Brothers in Arms: Furious 4, a game announced a year ago at E3, one that is quite a…