Today during Gamescom, Sony revealed Helldivers. It's by the folks who brought us Magicka, and it's coming to the…
This is Murasaki Baby, a newly-announced Vita game that looks absolutely fascinating.
Music festival tycoon: Big Fest, a new game in which players become a virtual music promoter, will be coming to PlayStation Vita, Sony announced. Sony said the game's soundtrack will feature unsigned real-life bands, giving players a chance to help a new act get discovered.
Good news, Fez fans. Today during their Gamescom press conference, Sony announced that the brilliant indie platformer Fez is coming to Vita. Team that game up with Spelunky, and it looks like my Vita's gonna gradually transform from a JRPG machine into an indie platformer machine.
Today, Sony revealed LittleBigPlanet Hub, a free-to-play take on LittleBigPlanet. Players will be able to dress up,…
Gearbox's hybrid RPG-shooter is making a portable appearance on the PlayStation Vita, Sony announced today at their…
The price PlayStation Vita's price has dropped to $199 in North America and 199EU. It takes effect immediately. Sony…
Gran Turismo 6 will launch on Dec. 6 for PlayStation 3.
Today at Gamescom, Sony demonstrated the PlayStation 4's menus and interface for the first time. Also, they…
This is what competition gets you. It gets you a development studio, DICE, trying to convince you that they are…
Revealed this morning as an Xbox One timed exclusive, Peggle 2 got a little more stage time at EA's Gamescom…
Scientist, Soldier, Engineer and All-Star are PopCap's take on the popular shooter classes in Plants vs. Zombies:…
The Battlefield 4 beta will kick off in early October, EA announced today. Platform details to come.
There is a good reason Respawn Entertainment's Titanfall vacuumed up a bathtubful of awards when it was unveiled at…
EA Sports UFC in May? Brian Hayes of EA Canada, developer of EA Sports UFC just said the game is "about nine months away from release." That would mean the mixed-martial arts title would be due for a May 2014 launch. So far, EA Sports has said only Spring 2014. A first look at gameplay was shown at Gamescom 2013.
The first expansion to Plants Vs. Zombies 2 will be set in the future, the game's creators at PopCap just announced at a Gamescom EA kick-off event. The free-to-play game has already been downloaded some 16 million times since its release last week.
Command & Conquer: Episodic, story driven missions will be coming to Command and Conquer next year, Victory Games said on stage today at Gamescom. The missions may be played alone or cooperatively.
Electronic Arts has news from Cologne, Germany for Battlefield 4, the next Plants vs. Zombies, Need for Speed Rivals,…
We've seen plenty of combat in Xbox One's Ryse: Son of Rome, but where's the love? Why, it's in the game's…
Meet Harkyn, a man who has just trudged across the world carrying an incredibly heavy-looking hammer, just to give…