Natalie Dormer plays Margaery Tyrell on the Game of Thrones TV series. She recently went to her first ever nerd…
Peter Dinklage and Lena Heady have a life outside of butting heads as the Lannister siblings in Game of Thrones. I…
The console game was rubbish, the browser-based social strategy game lacks action — what's a Game of Thrones fan…
The one in the show is cool, don't get me wrong, but in the books, it's described as being made of one thousands…
Darth Khal, huh? I don't know about you, but that's a pretty badass name, I think.
Don't let the makers of this amazing expandable castle, Max Berends and his brother Tijn, fool you. What seems like…
Game of Thrones using CGI is probably not surprising, but Vulture has a cool reel that details a ton of the CGI work in the show. Anything you thought was real that turned out to be fake?
One can already make a great deal of comparisons between the dark fantasy world of The Witcher and the arguably…
Then they'd probably look a little like these stereotypical 80s/90s characters, which are illustrated by the…
People in Star Wars think they got problems. Dead parents, missing limbs, bad weather. Huh. Westeros scoffs at your…
A Ron Howard imitator and some clever wordplay just make the horrific events of Game of Thrones season 3 so...…
Many Game of Thrones fans have the ongoing fear that George R.R. Martin is writing the Game of Thrones books too…
Those Lannisters. When they're not scheming to take over Westeros, they have a hard time being comfortable around…
This snap, taken at the London Film and Comic Con last week, is just...well, it's just the best.
Hardcore Westeros fans probably know that the father of their favorite medieval fantasy series was once a devoted…
Karakter design studio in Germany were brought on by HBO to do the concept art for pretty much every VFX shot in the…
Take Gotye's catchy song, Somebody I Used To Know. Change the lyrics so that they're about characters in the first…
The world of Game of Thrones is more familiar than you might think, especially if you're familiar with Dubrovnik.…
Also, he's wearing a dragon mask and there's a Daenarys look-alike just kind of standing there awkwardly in this…
Mike Wrobel is at it again: here's a collection of even more Game of Throne characters as bad 80s/90s stereotypes.…