Another registration points to Heroes of Might & Magic as a potential free-to-play online game. Ubisoft has said it…
Over the past few weeks, we here at Kotaku East have taken a look at several of Japan's newest free-to-play titles.…
These days the net is overflowing with free-to-play MMORPGs. But even before free-to-play MMORPGs were a thing,…
Back at the turn of the millennium, Sega released the first MMORPG for consoles, Phantasy Star Online. Over the…
More and more these days, companies are making games with a free-to-play model—focusing on micro-transactions to…
Phantasy Star Online was a trail blazer of a game, bringing the MMORPG experience to home consoles for the first…
Earlier this year the Vita got its first free-to-play MMO title in the form of Samurai and Dragons. While the game…
About three weeks back, Bandai-Namco released their first big-name, free-to-play title, Mobile Suit Gundam Battle…
Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation is a free-to-play, multiplayer, third-person shooter on the PlayStation 3. In…
Once cited as proof—by no less than the boss of EA Sports at the time—that Madden NFL in fact had competition, the…
The year 2020 doesn't look like it's going to be a good one for mankind. Pollen allergies become deadly eight years…
The latest chapter in the epic online space fantasy action role-playing series is marching its Humans, Newmen and…
The first beta event for CCP's free-to-play EVE Online tie-in for the PlayStation 3 kicks off this weekend. Players…
Back in December BioWare's dueling doctors told us they couldn't see their newly-launched massively multiplayer…
The world of massively multiplayer online games keeps getting, well, more massive. We've come a long way since I…
Crytek is building Warface, the studio's first freemium shooter, shown recently at E3. It's also going to deliver Cry…
The free-to-play model has been taking hold in the west. More and more games are being designed around letting…
Two of Warner Bros. most beloved children's franchise come together later this year in Cartoon Universe, a…
"In a freemium game it's not a rational decision to pay; it's an emotional one." Wednesday at the East Coast Games…
Free-to-play games are all the rage here in 2012. With MMOs, social games, and mobile games leading the way, some…