Digital artist Jul-Forza Pedro has a massive gallery of awesome pixelated video game artwork. I've picked three of my favorites, unforgettable moments from Resident Evil, The Last of Us and Final Fantasy VII. Read more

Final Fantasy VII is out on Steam, so I thought this might be a good opportunity to point readers to "The Final Fantasy VII Letters," a series Leigh Alexander and I wrote back in 2011. She was a FFVII veteran and I'd never played, and together we went on a journey that changed us forever. Or, well, we had fun, anyway.

That My Bloody Valentine: Loveless billboard stands out quite a bit in digital artist RubiaDmc's great Final Fantasy VII mashup. That sign was all over Midgar! Read more

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Final Fantasy VII has never actually been released for the PC in Japan. Square Enix will be fixing that mistake "soon" by making the Japanese version available on their online shop.
