How much does the internet love Valve's Gabe Newell? Enough to regularly draw fan art of the man, apparently. I've…
Cloud Strife is one good looking video game character. He really is. Dude's got spiky hair, piercing eyes, and nice…
Newly announced Pokémon X/Y isn't even a week old. Heck, it's not even half a week old. But the internet makes it…
Andrew Ryan, the artist behind the spectacular, brain-bending Dragon Age and Mass Effect crossover art, has…
Artist Noelle Stevenson has never played a Pokémon game first-hand. She has, however, accepted the challenge of…
Halloween is coming up surprisingly fast. If you find yourself seeking a gaming-themed costume, have you considered…
We recently shared fan artist Andrew Ryan's lovely Dragon Age/Mass Effect crossover art, starring our 22nd century…
I have joked about "Dragon Effect" before, when playing through BioWare's vaguely parallel science-fiction and…
Maya is the sexiest—and also the first character I chose to roll as in the recently released sequel to Gearbox's hit…
We keep hearing rumors here and there about a Mass Effect movie in the works. As much as I love the franchise, I'm…
We've seen artist TwoHornsUnited come up with some Portal referencing gas masks before, but this one is even more…
I have known many artistic World of Warcraft fans. I have known many women who like to get their nails done. I even…
You know what would be cool? If someone crossed a bunch of Pokémon characters with alpacas. Oh wait, yuumei already…
Gorgeous prints of Okami, The Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy, while always welcomed, are not a rarity. Charming…
If your school library was anything like mine, then it had a ring of old posters around the perimeter, high on the…
Cross-stitch is the perfect medium for 8-bit and 16-bit fan art. Have you ever seen one of the patterns crafters…
It's almost like a Wheel of Fortune-style before-and-after. "Solid Snake in a box" + "a box full of kittens" =…
I'm not sure if this is a case of Portal making Katamari Damacy cuter, or Katamari Damacy making Portal cuter.…
The wonderfully named Killer Duck Decals sells, well, decals. Stickers for your phone or smallish electronics.
Illustrator Marques Cannon has a blog full of nerd-themed art. But the Mario Kart inspired image (close-up above)…