The Lonesome Road add on won't be hitting this month as originally planned, Bethesda says on their blog. We don't…
In today's award-winning edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, cold-hearted commenter Monsieur.Froid wonders if other…
The latest update to multiplayer shooter brought with it a few secret surprises, in the form of unique items…
Though complicated and convoluted, Portal 2 takes one solid idea and runs with it until the very end. In today's…
Bethesda Softworks said today that "Old World Blues," the next downloadable extension of Fallout: New Vegas will…
Bethesda announced this morning that a group of hackers have grabbed data from some of their users, including…
The Fallout MMO, which has been chugging along for a while now with seemingly little progress made, is now in danger…
A Seattle-area man who lived in Europe during the Chernobyl disaster, now wary of radiation from Japan's Fukushima…

The unspoiled wilderness of Utah's Zion National Park shines in the first trailer and screens for Fallout: New…
A title update to the Xbox 360 version of Fallout: New Vegas, to prepare the game for the upcoming Honest Hearts DLC…
Given "a few days in the Mojave," one fan of Fallout: New Vegas decided to construct his visit around the game,…
Back in January, a trademark filing hinted that "Honest Hearts" would succeed "Dead Money" as Fallout: New Vegas'…

Hate the sunglasses, think the short film isn't half bad! Titled "Temporary Status", the short was inspired by…
In 1998, a year after Fallout released and became a smash hit on the PC, the game's publisher formed a films…

When the trailer for a fan movie about Fallout was released a few weeks back, I was...sceptical. Which was stupid,…
This take on the map of Fallout New Vegas is by the illustrator Gareth Davies, using his cartoon interpretations of…
Thank you, Kai Norman, for this incredible costume, which well and truly brings those badass Rangers of Fallout's…
If you're going to try and survive a post-apocalyptic wasteland, you may as well do it in style.