Interplay's Fallout MMO might have been nuked into oblivion by a lengthy legal battle that Bethesda ultimately…

The Wild Wasteland perk lets you see some bonkers stuff in Fallout, but it never quite matches the absurdity of this …
Wasteland 2 will be coming out on September 19, according a tweet from creator/designer Brian Fargo. You can read an interview with Fargo right here.
The Fallout vertibird and a squad of power armored-troops made out of Lego by Justin Stebbins. He has also made…

"There was this one moment in Fallout 3, when I came across a prisoner at some raider camp," I said. "She was…

"Captain's log: the Wasteland just got sexier."

Remember when everyone got excited that someone finished Fallout 3 in 23m55s? That was so June 30th because now…

Watch as speedrunner BubblesDelFuego jets across the capital wasteland, all in the name of speed. Bubbles manages to…
Gaming Heads is selling an authorized plush Vault Boy. The notes say it comes with an internal skeleton to allow…
For a mere £395 ($670) you can get yourself a life-size laser rifle from Fallout 3. It's the Wazer Wifle, a unique…
Good News, Vault Dwellers: The classic PC role-playing games Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics are once again available on Steam. All three games were pulled from online stores earlier this year after Bethesda obtained rights to the series from Interplay. No word yet on whether they'll be back on GOG as well,… Read more
There's this interesting Bethesda memo floating around. Maybe you've seen it on a fan-run gaming site or your…

Unlike most replicas of the Pip-Boy 3000, the indispensable gadget of Fallout 3 and New Vegas, the one designed by As…

This isn't just Fallout cosplay. This is Fallout LARP, a group of dedicated fans in the (where else) Czech Republic…
There's a Facebok group called Dead Mall Enthusiasts. It's a fascinating collection of photos people have taken of…
This month's limited edition Fallout tee celebrates the cyborg perk:
Modders are kind of the best. Case in point: this amazing New Vegas mod which adds another joinable faction in the…
Here's a terrific Fallout 3 illustration to overwhelm you with nostalgia and impatience for a new title in the series. Digital artist Patrick Brown included tons of nice little references from the game, like the Nuka Cola Quantum in the bottom left corner, or the threatening Deathclaw in the background. Read more