Every fleet in EVE Online is only as good as the players leading it. But unlike real-life generals, the Fleet…
EVE Online is under siege. The invasion isn’t masterminded by one of EVE’s infamous misanthropes or some grand…
EVE Online has once again been plunged into a major battle—possibly its biggest one ever, depending on how it all…
Most stories told of EVE Online and its players are about deceit, subterfuge or betrayal; players who forsake…
When the Arms Race expansion for EVE Online drops tomorrow, players using the free-to-play option will be able to do…
Layoffs at EVE Online publisher CCP Games weren’t supposed to affect players, but they have led to the cancellation…
There’s a very good story on PC Gamer today about an EVE Online graveyard, which contains both the floating bodies of dead characters, along with memorials to those who have passed in the real world.
In 2013, Eve Online developer CCP Games introduced Eve: Valkyrie, one of the current crop of virtual reality…
“He who controls the Spice controls the universe.” Okay, Spice doesn’t exist in EVE Online, but just the same, rare…
Soon, EVE Online’s free-to-play players will be allowed to expand their spaceship repertoires. CCP Games is more…
In survival game Ark: Survival Evolved, Church of Satan member Citizen V (his “under the horns name”) ignores the…
Not everything in EVE Online is dedicated to death, destruction and betrayal. A few landmarks are dedicated to…
EVE Online is infamous for its scammers, pirates, and ne’er-do-wells, but this week all their scams were put to…
A few days ago, in front of an audience of over three thousand people, the leader of the Imperium—the largest…
This week, CCP Games announced a massive shakeup to its immersive VR shooter EVE: Valkyrie. A free expansion coming…
EVE Online players can choose to be many things. Fighter pilots, diplomats, corpse peddlers, even admirals of…
EVE Online has taken a step out off of the science fiction stage and into the realm of real-world astronomy: Right…
When people got mad, they used to sent a letter. In the internet era, if somebody’s going to use non-electronic…
EVE Online has rolled out a challenging new computer-controlled enemy base that reacts to players’ strategies with…
Every MMO has its scammers. But in EVE Online, their scams are allowed. Getting ripped off is all just part of the…