“This game deserves a better class of criminal,” a member of Elite: Dangerous’ player-run Smiling Dog Crew wrote in a…
Traveling to the center of the galaxy in Elite Dangerous takes time. A lot of time. 52 players of the Distant Worlds…
The first thing you’ll see upon cracking open the box containing Microsoft’s new $150 premium modular Xbox One…
You might remember the mysterious alien items that had Elite: Dangerous players stumped earlier this year. Well,…
Elite: Dangerous’ richest players are bored. PCGamesN has a great feature on what the space sim’s players do when they become ungodly rich. It’s revealing. “It got boring to do anything,” said space billionaire Andrew Jennings. “Once you get the best ship for whatever you’re doing, you didn’t need anything else.”
Elite: Dangerous just came to Steam, and it's getting all sorts of new players... who are discovering that piloting…
Surprise! Elite: Dangerous is now on Steam. The expansive space sim has kept to its own client since release, but today it warped into Steam's orbit, shocking everyone and maybe flattening a few Early Access survival games. It is a Very Cool Video Game. Read more
Want to make some money in Elite: Dangerous? The feisty space-pirates over at Rock, Paper Shotgun have put together a useful guide to Elite's many career paths. Give it a read and that Lakon Type-6 will be yours in no time.
Elite: Dangerous now has "Wings". As in, you and your buddies can team up and fly through the galaxy, sharing map locations, comms and even bonuses for trading. 14 year-old Luke is like "holy shit, finally".
I've been playing Elite: Dangerous lately. It's a cool, albeit very unfinished game, which at times is notable for…
Elite's lead designer, Sandro Sammarco, has discussed possible changes to bounties and exposed an interesting issue…
Some people play gigantic space game Elite: Dangerous to lead humble, (relatively) ordinary space lives. They do…
Elite: Dangerous' orchestral soundtrack was composed by a talented musician named Erasmus Talbot. It's perfectly…
After months of early-access alphas and betas and gammas(?), Elite: Dangerous is officially out today. I've been…
Nowhere is it written that a video game trailer must accurately depict the entirety of the game it's advertising.…
Elite: Dangerous is shaping up to be the best open galaxy/virtual reality space trucking game this side of the Milky…
Now this is a beautiful way to use a Kickstarter reward.
Today, Frontier Developments launched the third beta phase of their open-ended PC space sim Elite: Dangerous. The…
And when I say that, I mean "500 new star systems" bigger.