The third of three sports titles releasing on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 at launch arrived on shelves today—NBA…
There are two football games on the market. The vast majority of people will only buy one of them. So which one…
Wednesday night, he was having anxiety attacks over his designs for next year's game. Thursday afternoon, it didn't…
EA Sports will not publish any college football video game next year, the label said moments ago, citing ongoing…
This is ... remarkable. Well, that's my view of it anyway. Nintendo published a news release this morning that…
Several college football players yesterday showed support for the National Collegiate Players Association, writing…

NBA Live 14 announced its launch date earlier this week—Nov. 19, which is curious, as that is four days after the…

We said we'd keep any eye on this nutball wager between Madden endorsers Colin Kaepernick and Russell Wilson, who…
NBA Live is actually coming back: EA's troubled basketball series will return on November 19, launching on both Xbox One and PS4.

They don't get much attention from gaming sites, probably because lol EA Sports, but every year Electronic Arts goes…
Do Not Adjust Your Picture: Yep, the super awesome watch-a-shitload-of-the-NFL-for-free offer through Madden NFL 25's $100 Anniversary edition promo with DirecTV is experiencing technical difficulties as thousands log in to the service on opening day. Others are saying they can watch just fine, but YMMV. Read more
Good news, Madden fans. The objection to a $27 million class action settlement in the case brought against the…

Usually, if someone wants to convince you that the video game they're making is going to be great, they tell you…
EA Sports confirmed that women fighters will be on the roster of the upcoming UFC title it will release next spring…

The history of Madden NFL in the age of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 is a history of inconsistent execution, of…
Zach Farley didn't know much about the others in his residence hall when he moved back in at Westfield State…
Madden NFL has a "fantasy draft" option—which disperses all of the players and has every team draft a new roster…
'Same great gameplay.' People were pissed that FIFA 13 on the PS Vita was essentially a reconditioned FIFA Soccer, the launch title for the device. Well, there's more where that came from for FIFA 14, reports Eurogamer.

Down in Florida this week, EA Sports challenged people to run the NFL's all-important 40-yard dash—traveled nearly…
Want to know what your favorite college football team made from its appearance in EA Sports' NCAA Football series…