Shortly after Ubisoft upset many Assassin's Creed fans by saying that it had abandoned its plan to have female…
How to figure out if you're at E3: check the available local WiFi networks and see if the list looks anything like this.

Super Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakuraihad a lot more to say during last night's E3 roundtable than just "Here's…
There are reasons for concern following Facebook's purchase of Oculus Rift, but one massive benefit - at least for…

GameSpot has posted a video showing the differences between the PS3 and PS4 versions of The Last Of Us.

I can't imagine a better way to wind down after a long day of remotely covering E3 than to sprawl out on the couch…

The video game adaptation of Warmachine, due for the PC, is still coming (it's out in August). Here's the E3 trailer.
Different console. Same sad story. Two lonely kiosks. So sad. :(
You've probably watched the major streams from E3 this past Monday, but that doesn't show the crowded madness that…

Lots of Titanfall fans were disappointed this week when a rumored sequel wasn't announced. But if you were one of…

Who's dropping jewels? It's Mega Sableye, the newest Mega Evolution that will be showing up in the Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire remakes coming out this fall.
Even at a show like E3 which is an escape from much of the rest of the world, a person's anxieties about real world…
You should have seen me during the Bloodborne announcement at Sony's presser. I lost all of my British decorum and…
News that Ubisoft scuttled plans for including female playable characters in the upcoming Assassin's Creed Unity was…
Sony's spot on the E3 show floor is mostly bustling with activity—people playing games, posing for photos with…

Sony just revealed a new game for the PS4 and its nifty virtual headset Project Morpheus. It's called The Assembly,…
Kotaku comic artist Elizabeth Simins got to play #IDARB at E3 this week, a minimalist indie game with countless…

You might think you know what you'll see in a big E3 booth like Microsoft's: some Forza, some Fable, some shooters,…
The next big Assassin's Creed game and the first to appear exclusively on next-generation consoles won't let people…
I would play PC games in the living room all day long if I could just find a comfortable, no-compromise solution for…