There are still a few days left until E3 kicks off, but a few lucky folks have already had a chance to get a glimpse…
What is Mario Maker? Is it real? Could it be one of Nintendo's big surprises for E3 next week?
Here at Kotaku we're predicting that there will be a gaming expo in Los Angeles next week. Sources say there will be…
Because Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts III, that's why. Or, rather, something about optimal timing. But don't…
Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, a longtime fixture of the gaming giant's E3 presence, will not be at this year's…
Now last year, Nintendo didn't have a traditional E3 briefing. No stage, no live show. Just a forty-minute Nintendo…
Back in June 2013, it seemed like Sony pretty much stole the show from Microsoft with their E3 briefing. But do…
E3 is a-comin'. Next week, great gaming companies will take to the stage to show off all kinds of games and make all…
Let's take a look at Twitch's full streaming schedule for E3 2014.
What's this? Former PlayStation spokesman Kevin Butler has no business lording over the LA Convention Center in this…

A few weeks ago, I realized something strange and kind of disconcerting: I enjoy E3 press conferences more than…

Perhaps hoping to match last year's crazy E3 drama, Sony is taking their 2014 presser to the silver screen. You'll…
Here's the first bit of artwork from the next Hitman game. Sadly that's all we're gonna get for a while since developer IO Interactive also said that it won't be showing the game at E3 next month. For the time being, read more about upcoming Hitman news here.
We're exactly two weeks away from E3 press conference day—Video Game Christmas—so why not spend some time…
Nintendo just invited us to two big evening Q&As during E3, one for Super Smash Bros. and the other for... "a new game for 3DS." What could it be?
E3 starts in less than four weeks, which means it's prime season for ridiculous rumors about all the games that will…

Nintendo partnered up with the hilarious folks at Mega64 for this E3 prep video, which is silly and amazing.
A new Just Dance game, called Just Dance 2014, has leaked ahead of an expected announcement by Ubisoft at their E3…