Certain bodies were needed to work E3 2010. These bodies had to strut, pose, wear armor, professionally wrestle,…
LeVar Burton, aka Star Trek: The Next Generation's Geordi La Forge, is grumpy without his space visor. As seen at…
Building on elements of the first game, Q-Games brings corrosive acid and creative lighting tricks to bear in…
With all of the buzz surrounding the Xbox 360's controller-free motion gaming of Kinect and the Playstation 3's…
While my favorite Kinect game of the show was most certainly Dance Central, the game that had me jumping up and…
Some people got "Nintendo thumb." Others complained of "Wii elbow." Should we next worry about "3DS Headache"?
The last time I saw Joy Ride was at last year's E3 showing when the Xbox 360 title was a fun little free game due…
From what we hear, Yakuza 4 will make the journey to the West in a far more complete state than its predecessor. And …
Buried inside Sony's press packs for this year's E3 is this black & red PSP-3000, which will form part of a bundle…
Fans of the video game Rez from Tetsuya Mizuguchi—people of discriminating taste—should be ecstatic to learn that a…
Day three of E3 saw the flood of big news slow to a trickle, giving us all time to sit down and spend some quality…
Kirby is actually getting his own Wii game, Kirby's Epic Yarn. And with all that wool flying around everywhere, it's…
Yes, the actual game never looks this good. That's how it's always been with Gran Turismo, and it's how it will be…
Darksiders, one of the surprise hits of 2010, has done enough to deserve a sequel, publishers THQ revealing this…
That PlayStation Move gun sure looks...interesting, doesn't it?
Okamiden, a DS successor to PS2/Wii classic Okami, seemed like a good idea at the time. Now there's a 3D Nintendo…
Brink, Splash Damage's promising take on blending single and multiplayer gaming, has now been delayed until 2011.…
As one E3 ends, planning for another begins. Circle your calendars, kids. If you already have a 2011 calendar, that…
You can't see it any of these screen shots, but the star of God of War is pretty good with a spear and shield, one…