By far the most common complaint I've heard about Pokémon Black and White 2 is the fact that Black 2 and White 2…
There have been a lot of games in the Pokémon series but none has been a direct sequel to any other. Rather, they…
NCAA Football 13 is the week's biggest console release, bringing with it roleplaying enhancements to the game's…
It happens every July: Club Nintendo announces its loyalty gifts for members who reached gold or platinum status in…

Two weeks ago, the first ever numbered Pokémon sequels, Pokémon White Version 2 and Pokémon Black Version 2, were…

Long live the Nintendo DS! One of the, let's be honest, best gaming platforms ever is getting a new game: a Tokumei…
The adaptation of the new Amazing Spider-Man movie swings onto shelves this week, joined by the brooding military…

Nintendo's upcoming Pokémon Black & White 2 have previously only been shown off in Japanese. Let's break that up a…
The first direct sequels to Pokémon games, Pokémon Black and White 2 will be out for the DS in the U.S. this fall,…
We've updated our lists of the best games you can play on just about any machine that plays games. These are our our…
It's been too long since Nintendo addressed its fans, but the company is breaking its two-week info drought with a…

Since the release of the first Pokémon role-playing game in 1996, Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have attempted to…
Collecting all the Pokémon in a normal installment of Nintendo's beloved role-playing series is a daunting enough…
Two heavy-hitters step up on Tuesday—Civilization V and LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes. Others of note include the Av…
Racy themes and racing games lead the lineup of the coming week of retail releases. Reissues of Metal Gear Solid and …
E3 is always a tough week for anything to release, which is why we're probably seeing the likes of Katy Perry's…
People scratched their heads at "Wii" but ultimately everyone accepted it. Not many are really warming up to "Wii U"…
R4 cartridges, better known in Japan as Majicon, are a major thorn in Nintendo's side. The importing and sale of…
Slow action in North America as the United States takes a break for cookouts on Monday. Mass Effect, Prototype and Ar…
Okay, so the Pokémon games are not noted for their realism. Young people catch and train monsters. If this anime…