Time to go into the time machine back to the distant past of 2012! Translation: here's an old-ass YouTube clip that…
Time to go into the time machine back to the distant past of 2012! Translation: here's an old-ass YouTube clip that…
Goku showing up on earth kicked off a whole string of ridiculous events in the Dragon Ball world, not all of which…
Dragon Ball Z fans are more than familiar with the scouter — the head mounted display that many characters in the…
Sick of boring ol' 2D animation, Dragon Ball Z studio Funimation decided to hire the funny folks at Mega64 to make a…
Dragon Ball Z fans won't just get to play as iconic characters in the upcoming Dragon Ball Xenoverse game—they'll…
Voice acting quirks, extra animations, unused dialogue — there are as many secrets lurking in Dragon Ball Z video…
Are you a "physically fit male" who is "MUSCULAR, and is willing to dress in Dragon Ball Z attire for 2-3 hours"? If…
It's always good to see unique takes on popular shows or games. Angel5art's piece on DeviantART features realistic,…
Hyper Dragon Ball Z might look like a forgotten arcade game of the 1990's, but it's actually a modern Dragon Ball gam…
Frankly, I'm surprised that nerdy condoms like this don't actually exist. Not because I want to use them or…
Robson Menezes dos Santos is definitely a "Father of the Year" candidate. He spent 6 months to create a Dragon Ball a…
A live action Dragon Ball Z sounds silly, doesn't it? Maybe that's why this depiction of Dragon Ball Z, which is…
"America's worst insult to Japanese culture since Hiroshima" might be going a bit far, but otherwise Screen Junkies'…
For this, you'll need more than lots of space in your abode and a fanatic Dragon Ball Z love. You'll need lots of…
One of the most iconic elements of Dragon Ball Z are the orange Dragon Balls. The other is unruly hair. Now you can…
In 2010, this video of a woman going bananas at a drive-thru - because she couldn't buy chicken nuggets and really…
A week ago, the new movie Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods hit theaters across Japan. But that is not the only Dragon…
Here is something that I wasn't expecting to read on Thought Catalog: why Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z is better than Goku. The author, Alfred MacDonald, makes a compelling argument: "real people have anger, drive, ambitions — real people are selfish, if not embarrassing." Vegeta seems like more of a real person, and put… Read more
There is no doubt that Dragon Ball is a world-wide phenomenon. Outside of the original manga, there have been…