The top two record-holders for Donkey Kong will try to topple the game's existing all-time high scores tomorrow in a…
Having nothing better to do, evidently, Denver's Westword set out to chart the comprehensive history of "It's On…
You've bought Nintendo product, registered it online, and collected Club Nintendo coins for your effort. Nintendo…
For its cover of this week's edition (on newsstands today) the Portland Mercury commissioned this painting, an…
The high score battle between Donkey Kong pros Steve Wiebe and Billy Mitchell was immortalized in 2007's The King of…
As we celebrate what's (probably? maybe?) Donkey Kong's 30th birthday, let's today take a look at the 1983 court…
Researching the exact birthday for a tribute to the 30th birthday of Donkey Kong, Patrick Scott Patterson of the…
At some point during his illustrious career Nintendo hero Mario swapped girlfriends, dumping Donkey Kong's Pauline…
The weekly Nintendo Download makes the move to Thursday morning this week, as the era of the eShop kicks off with…
Appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live!, popstar Christina Aguilera revealed her love for classic arcade games, saying she…
E3 is the biggest event the video game business. Every company lays their cards on the table, and every AAA game for…
What's so terrifying about a short Italian plumber that would make an 800 pound gorilla flee instead of facing him?…
They might be at odds in the live-action Thor movie and its accompanying video games, but there is one thing Norse…
Arcade games may have been a source of great joy and entertainment for millions across the world in the 1980s, but…
Forget 2007 documentary The King of Kong. That was a struggle for Donkey Kong domination between just two men. The…
Hank Chien, the plastic surgeon who is the two-time (and current) world high score champion in Donkey Kong, is the…
The old school game of Donkey Kong gets a new twist thanks to artist Manuhell. Click on the image to check out all…
Billy Mitchell, who supplied every villainous stereotype short of twirling his mustache in "The King of Kong: A…
This line of Yoshis are just a fraction of the population of Nintendo toys and figures at Toy Fair 2011. These guys…