Original design plans for Diablo III involved an MMORPG-like chatroom that would replace the menu-based Battle.net…
Diablo III's endgame is about to change in a big way: characters in Blizzard's action-RPG will soon be able to gain…
What should have been a harmless little interview with a video games website has turned into something of an…
Once limited to Guest Pass-holders, the Diablo III Starter Edition is now free for anyone with a Battle.net account. Read more
The next patch for Diablo III will tweak classes, stat formulas, drop rates, and other significant parts of the…
As soon as Blizzard announced its real-money auction house for Diablo III, no doubt millions of gamers around the…
While official statues based on Diablo III restrict themselves to more presentable characters, fan-made pieces are…
Diablo III's release was eagerly anticipated in South Korea. The country has always been a strong Blizzard bastion.…
BGZ Studios is a small outfit based in Atlanta that, aside from regular photography work, also does a ton of cosplay…
The man who wrote movies like Charlie's Angels and Big Fish has written an interesting blog post about Diablo III's…
This is the ending of the biggest PC game of the year? What a bummer.
A "god mode" exploit recently found in Diablo III, which allowed gamers using the Wizard class to effectively play…
On the heels of the Wizard god mode exploit, here's reportedly another god-like mode. This one is for the Diablo…
Earlier this month the official Chinese webpage for Diablo III went online, it created speculation that the game…
A loophole has reportedly been found in Diablo III that can, in effect, make you invincible. Which for a game that…
Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime has addressed player concerns with action-role-playing game Diablo III, promising…
An 18 year-old Taiwanese man has been found dead after booking himself a room at a local internet cafe and playing…
Believe it or not, my favorite aspect of Diablo III is not the Real Money Auction house. Nope! Nor is it the…
Commodities are now available in the Diablo III real-money auction house.
Regardless of how good a game might be, regardless of how many hours of entertainment it provides, a game that…