Here is Deus Ex: Mankind Divided’s entire E3 gameplay demo. It’s pretty hot.
Everyone has that one game they still remember playing for the first time. For me, it was Deus Ex: Human Revolution.…
The link to this story was actually sent out by the official Deus Ex twitter account, and with good reason: some of…

When you're playing a game as infectiously compelling as Grand Theft Auto V, it can be difficult to take a step back…
Eric Bellefeuille works at BioWare as a UX (user experience) artist. That means he works on stuff that you actually…

Never mind the fact this is a fan project. Human Revolution is a Deus Ex short film that's easily on par with…
Today, Square Enix released a newly updated version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution called the Director's Cut. It makes…
Maybe one day, we'll all have cybernetic eyeball implants that will grant us perfect 20/20 vision and allow us to be…
Bad news ahead for Wii U owners who were looking forward to the upcoming director's cut of Deus Ex: Human Revolution—…

Deus Ex is going next-gen, and although the next game in Eidos's popular sci-fi series won't be here for a while, at…
Just when you’re expecting a satirically goofy take on what makes video games different from other forms of art, Cracked goes ahead and doles out a semi-serious, mostly on-point article about that very point. You’ll laugh but you’ll also nod in agreement, too.

In March, Square Enix registered some websites for something called Deus Ex: The Fall. It didn't raise too many…
Sethers15 is the lucky person who gets to sleep and game in this room every day now. The very lucky person.
The acclaimed 2011 Deus Ex: Human Revolution is getting a director's cut edition of the game for Wii U. The thing…
A listing for a certain Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut has recently popped up on Amazon US. The Wii…
Bars, clubs and noisy taverns are always crucial locations in a story-driven game. They are save points, places…
Wednesday's PlayStation 4 event showed us what next-gen graphics are capable of, so if you had any doubts that game…
Director Scott Derrickson and co-writer C. Robert Cargill have been speaking with Crave about the upcoming Deus Ex…