If you've got financial troubles I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but full price ain't one. Click me.
Next-gen may be coming but you still need one of these.
I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was. To find the deals is my real test, to post them is my cause. I will…
This deal is bordering on outlandish.

When I was a child, I paid like a child, I saved like a child, I bargained like a child. When I read the Moneysaver,…
Which way is the beach?
The first rule of war is to save more than the other guy.

Oh goody! My illudium Q-36 explosive space Moneysaver!
The cheap wind begins to blow.
It's just been brought to my attention by @HOTD2Dreamcast on Twitter that BEYOND: Two Souls is available for…
Rise and save, Mister Reader. Rise and... save. Not that I... wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No…

Psycho Mantis: "You like reading Moneysaver don't you? You must be a cautious person, I see that you save a lot."
Abandon all debt, ye who enter here.
I know that you can't pay full price, it ain't no lie. I wanna see you get these deals baby buy buy buy, BUY BUY.
Frankly MSRP I don't give a damn.
Don't call it "that Ellen Page game."
Gotta catch 'em all, and save money in the process.
Threehorns don't play with longnecks, and Moneysavers don't play with full price.