Via GameFront, here's how to take advantage of an exploit to farm unlimited resources in horror-survival game Dead…
The game itself may be dividing critics, but I'd hope there's one thing we can all agree on, and that's the fact…
I'm not a Dead Space guy. Oh sure, the series is great, but Fatal Frame and Silent Hill are more my speed when it…
Once upon a time there was a video game publisher named Electronic Arts. Electronic Arts was a very big video game…
There's a handy little robot in Dead Space 3. It's designed to collect resources for you in the new sci-fi horror…
Isaac Clark, as you might imagine, wants nothing to do with necromorphs—the horrific reanimated corpses of the…
There are songs that work in video game trailers because they're great. There are others that work because they're…
Many Dead Space fans were disappointed this week after hearing that Dead Space 3 would feature microtransactions—or,…
On February 7 at the Dernier Bar Avant la Fin du Monde in Paris, France, EA and Geek-Art will be putting on a show…
It's hard to get good at a video game. It can require a ton of practice and effort. You'll have to hone your skills…
The answering machine goes off. It's Ellie, trying to get a hold of Isaac Clarke. He doesn't answer. He's standing…
The Dead Space sci-fi horror games have nothing to do with the Mass Effect sci-fi shooter/adventure games, other…
There's been some unsavoury talk of statues today. Let's clear the air, then, with a look at a statue that does…
Dev Team Edition? You don't often hear collector's items called as such, but when you take a look at what this…
Somewhere under all that Isaac Clarke armour is French cosplayer Kevin. He's joined in some of these photos by…
Will Dead Space 3 be scary or not? It's not quite clear yet. But if it is, if it manages to make some of you…
Dead Space 3's demo version will be available via Xbox Live and PlayStation Network on Jan. 22, though a news…
Next June, Japanese collectible company Kotobukiya will be releasing this 12.5" statue of Isaac Clarke, as he…