Back in 1941, Captain America punched Hitler on the cover of a comic book. Last week, Superman was working for the…
Superman: Earth One - Volume 3 is not a good comic-book story. But it's one that stands in direct opposition to the…
Four years ago, DC Comics killed all of their long-running titles, replacing everything—including their oldest…
DC Comics is doing yet another overhaul of their comics line, canceling books, launching many more (full list here). The headliners: American Born Chinese author Gene Yuen Lang will be writing Superman, Ultimates artist Bryan Hitch drawing and writing Justice League, Preacher writer Garth Ennis writing a new series. Read more
It's been a problem that creators who've worked on Superman projects have been dealing with for decades: How do you…

Looks like the line-up of Titans live-action series might include Barbara Gordon. The redhead known as both Batgirl and Oracle might be part of the twentysomething Titans TV show, according to a report on Nerdist.

Long before the release of Injustice: Gods Among Us, there was supposed to be another fighting game that featured…

It was a weird thing when the Watchmen movie came out in 2009. There it was, a cinematic adaptation of one of the…

The TV version of DC Comics' Emerald Archer is decidedly more gloomy than his comic-book counterpart. But the…
It's one thing to have low expectations for a comic book spinning off of a video game. It's entirely another to have…

Unless you're a diehard DC Comics fan, you might not know who Booster Gold is. But you should, because he's the…

Some people have hated the times when the world's biggest superhero companies have crossed over with each other.…
Mostly because the best Teen Titans show—yep, Young Justice—has already been made. And then canceled.

It's the kind of thing fans have argued about for ages: Could the Dark Knight take down the Dark Lord of the Sith?

Like the first two games in the series, LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham begins with the terrestrial adventures of…
The long-running joke about Batman was that—where guys like Superman have multiple superhuman abilities—his only…
If you've been wondering about the exact timeline for when Warner Bros would be expanding their cinematic universe…
Although LEGO will release the invisible ship in 2015, as part of the "Gorilla Grodd Goes Bananas" set, this custom…
That's it, DC Comics needs to revoke Turbine's license to create variant versions of iconic heroes for MOBA Infinite…
In what I feel is a horrible example of miscasting, film director and rabid Batman fan Kevin Smith has been tapped…