Mimics are just the worst in Dark Souls III. So, role-playing as one during invasions is a fantastic way to have…
Poise, which allows players to take hits without staggering, has been one of the more important stats in the…
It’s possible to beat Dark Souls 3 and have no idea what really happened. Fortunately, MoonlightButterfly on YouTube…
There are a million stats to consider when building a Dark Souls character, but there’s a very useful online tool…
A Dark Souls 3-themed Playstation 4 can’t just be a generic plastic box. it has to be faithful to the game, either…
Holy crap. Take a look at this.
You do all sorts of dodging in a Dark Souls game, sometimes by the skin of your teeth. Perhaps a blade just barely…
Dark Souls 3 PC has a big cheating problem, and it’s not getting better. PC players were furious this weekend, as a…
Today on Highlight Reel we have vaporized invaders, powerful kicks, rocket punches and much more!
Dark Souls 3 is excellent on PC, but it’s a haven for cheaters. From Software’s solution seems to be blaming the…
Poor Shrek. He just wanted some peace and quiet, but some jerks just won’t stop trespassing over his swamp! This…
Inhaling the intoxicating vapour that is Dark Souls is a dangerous life choice. You’re going to find yourself caught…
One of the more common ways to play Dark Souls is bulking up with huge pieces of armor, knowing you can withstand…
Sure, it’s satisfying to beat a tough Dark Souls boss. It’s just as satisfying to roll through a bunch of stuff.
The graphics would be simpler, but the aesthetics, boss tactics and the overall experience would be similarly…
There are so many tiny details you can miss while playing Dark Souls 3, from elaborate side quests to hilarious…
Last week I asked our Photoshop-savvy readers to bring a little bright and fluffy to the dreary world of Dark Souls.…
Each Dark Souls 3 enemy is horrible in its own way. Some are more horrible than the rest.
It took me almost 40 hours to beat every boss in Dark Souls 3. It’s taking speedrunner Distortion2 just over an…