Time has not been kind to Civilization: Beyond Earth. I found it a passable strategy game at review, but the longer…
Time has not been kind to Civilization: Beyond Earth. I found it a passable strategy game at review, but the longer…
Earlier this year, there was a giant, 42-player, AI-only game of Civilization V going down. Wonder why we never…
A new expansion called Rising Tide will be making Civilization: Beyond Earth bigger—and wetter. The add-on will bring oceanic exploration, along with new enemies, factions and Diplomatic Traits to the game when it releases this fall. Read more
After some technical woes, the enormous 44-player, AI-only Civ V battle has resumed, and the rivers of the world are…
My pessimism was for naught. The giant 42-player, AI-only Civilization V game that had seemed doomed has in fact…
Bad news, everyone: the giant 42-player Civilization V game that was turning into the most enjoyable spectator…
The 42-player, AI-only Civilization game that's currently going down is already one of the most amazing things the…
Get some popcorn ready, because the entire planet is about to throw down.
Warning: do not actually try these. Actually, warning: do not try pick-up lines, ever.
England is obvious. So too Japan, and China, and Egypt. But there have been a lot of Civilization games featuring a…
There's going to be even more sci-fi-styled Civilization action coming this spring, with a new strategy game coming…
There are dozens of leaders to choose from every time you sit down to play a new game of Civilization V, each with…
I'm still not quite sure what I just watched.
It's not a smug Gandhi, or a Great Library, but this new project on LEGO's Ideas platform is nevertheless an…
The latest Civ title, Beyond Earth, is pretty good, even if parts of the game are a little more pedestrian than…
Whatever you do, no matter how tempted you are by the sci-fi setting and purple landscape, don't think of this as a…
This is the intro to the almost-out Civilization: Beyond Earth. I hope you weren't expecting a merry jaunt as…