Earlier this year, there was a giant, 42-player, AI-only game of Civilization V going down. Wonder why we never…
After some technical woes, the enormous 44-player, AI-only Civ V battle has resumed, and the rivers of the world are…
My pessimism was for naught. The giant 42-player, AI-only Civilization V game that had seemed doomed has in fact…
Bad news, everyone: the giant 42-player Civilization V game that was turning into the most enjoyable spectator…
When Peripatet was in Jordan visiting the ancient wonder of Petra, he had only one thing on his mind
The 42-player, AI-only Civilization game that's currently going down is already one of the most amazing things the…
Get some popcorn ready, because the entire planet is about to throw down.
There are dozens of leaders to choose from every time you sit down to play a new game of Civilization V, each with…
In the Civilization games, when barbarians capture our exposed worker units and convert them to their faction,…
The latest Civ title, Beyond Earth, is pretty good, even if parts of the game are a little more pedestrian than…
From now until 10am PDT Thursday, you can play Civilization V for free. If you've somehow never picked it up, now's your chance.
Oh Civ V modders. Don't ever change.
For all its grandeur and humour, Civilization V can also be strangely tragic at times.
And I'm not even talking about the soundtracks.
Civilization V has grown over a few big expansions to become one of the very best games on the PC. I'd go so far as…
Modder Steph, bummed as the rest of us are that the World Cup is over, decided to keep the fires burning by making a…
Because I enjoy hurting myself and all those around me, I've got back into Civilization V recently. This time…
Are you in New York? Do you like Civilization V, and art? Stop by the Whitney museum to see Me Playing Civilization, a performance art piece that consists of... a guy playing Civilization V, seven hours a day, five days a week, until May 25th. Read more