Amidst all of the nudity and subtle gags lurking in CD Projekt Red's latest PC role-playing adventure, the aspect…
The long-awaited RPG The Witcher 2 drops on Tuesday, and developer CD Projekt has sown the Internet with all of its…
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings arrives for PC on Tuesday, and while there is some retailer-specific preorder DLC…
Poland celebrated the upcoming release of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings with a virtual Triss Merigold Playboy…
The Witcher's fiery redheaded sorceress Triss can't seem to pull a complete outfit together in the May issue of the…
With only six weeks to go before The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings explodes on the PC gaming scene, CD Projekt Red…
CD Projekt Red gives us a choice of holidays to celebrate, in keeping with the non-linear spirit of the Witcher PC…
Behold The Witcher 2: Papercraft of Kings, the world's first-ever non-linear papercraft and a paper cut above the…
Despite an unstable frame rate and horrendous loading times, PC role-playing game The Witcher sold more than 1.5…
Those sneaky developers at CD Projekt RED snuck a frame's worth of secret messages to their biggest fans in the…
After teasing us with leaks and more leaks, CD Projekt RED and Atari finally pull back the curtain on The Witcher…
You know what, I think I can get behind this Advent Calendar thing if it means I get free and/or cheap stuff every…
Forget the Enhanced Edition of the acclaimed PC roleplaying game The Witcher, because The Enhanced Edition…
Patch 1.5 for CD Projekt Red's award-winning PC roleplaying game The Witcher is now available, removing the pesky…
While not exactly confirmation of yesterday's cancellation rumor, French developer Widescreen Games has announced…
The future of the console version of CD Projekt's console port of hit PC role-playing game The Witcher is in doubt,…
CD Projekt Red has released three new screens for The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolf, showing off how adeptly the…
CD Projekt RED have confirmed that the console port of ace PC RPG The Witcher will be propped up with some choice…
In case anyone had any doubts about how much of a badass Geralt the Witcher was, here's the teaser trailer for…
Could the best PC RPG of last year be the best console RPG of next year? Atari and CD Projekt RED have officially…