Activision gave us our first taste of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer modes tonight at an event in…
Square Enix, that's who. Known best for Final Fantasy, the Japanese game company is once again attempting to expand…
When Mad Catz announced a partnership with Activision to develop Modern Warfare 2 accessories, we expected a couple…
In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, players can use one gun at a time. Modern Warfare 2 is letting players wield two…
Life-sized Modern Warfare 2 'Ghost' prototype, as seen on fourzerotwo's Twitter.
Where there is a potential multi-million selling video game, Mad Catz is there, having signed a deal with…
Rapper 50 Cent will be strapping on the bulletproof vest once again in a video game—but not one of his own. Instead,…
Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling jumped on his Twitter account earlier today, asking for help. Help with the design…
There comes a time in the week to reflect on what got into my reporter's notebook but didn't turn into Kotaku blog…
In a bit of triumphant news for the French, word to Kotaku via Infinity Ward's chief Twitterer is that the Modern…
Infinity Ward brought Modern Warfare 2 to New York City last night and educated us a bit about the game's lengthy…
Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling revealed the contents of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's "Hardened" and "Prestige"…
There comes a time in the week to reflect on what got into my reporter's notebook but didn't turn into Kotaku blog…
Modern Warfare 2 has once more been renamed, shifting back to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 after ditching the…
A quick demo of Modern Warfare 2 features explosions, snow, controllable snowmobiles and an ice-climbing segment…
Infinity Ward's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is "looking incredible" and will hit this holiday season, according…
Infinity Ward PR man Robert Bowling, like the rest of the world these days, is all up in this Twitter business. And…