The Entertainment Software Association paid more than $5 million last year to stop hosting their annual trade show…
LucasArts is no longer a member of the Entertainment Software Association, the ESA officially confirmed with Kotaku…
Just just announced its 2008 and early 2009 PLAYSTATION 3 software line-up. Via press release, Sony's Scott…
Phil Harrison was boss of SCE Worldwide Studios. We all loved Phil. But then Phil went and became Directeur Général…
CBS Corporation just announced an agreement to buy CNET for $1.8 billion dollars. Through the deal, all of CNET's…
In 2006, a small Texan company by the name of Anascape Ltd. took Nintendo and Microsoft to court, claiming the pair…
Silicon Knights' epically developed third person action game Too Human finally has an official date. A fact sheet…
SEC filings have revealed that Electronic Arts borrowed $1 billion from Morgan Stanley and other lenders to help…
The Entertainment Software Association confirmed late last week that two of its members—Activision and Vivendi…
Rockstar Games just confirmed that they have released a patch for the Playstation 3 version of GTA IV which was…
Take-Two isn't impressed with the Chicago Transit Authority's ability to crumble in the face of near-controversy, as…