NCSoft’s martial arts epic Blade & Soul is one of my favorite massively-multiplayer online role-playing games in…
After my first month in NCsoft’s martial arts MMO Blade & Soul I hit a wall. I wasn’t annoyed or frustrated. In fact…
It’s really hard to find a stopping point to review Blade & Soul when new content keeps coming out. Today Ncsoft…
Finally something to do with the Warlock-only equipment that’s been dropping since NCsoft’s martial arts MMO…
It’s been a little over three weeks since I started playing NCsoft’s martial arts MMO import, and my desire to reach…
This is actually a good look for me. One of several good looks that highlight one of my favorite features of kung…
NCsoft’s martial arts MMO Blade & Soul is filled with colorful non-player characters voicing their enthusiastic…
Martial arts MMORPG Blade & Soul launched in North America and Europe today, bringing with it one of the most…
Wildly popular Korean fantasy MMO Blade & Soul finally launches in North America and Europe this Tuesday. Check out…
The Summoner class in Blade & Soul, NCsoft’s latest massively multiplayer Korean import, get to choose a feline…
There are 60 new anime on the air this spring season and so it can be understandably more than a little difficult to…
After eight years, illustrator Hyung-Tae Kim is leaving NCsoft. Earlier today, Kim confirmed the departure on his…