Of all the games with tens of colorful heroes and millions of people playing incessantly, Overwatch is the least…
Persona 5 is a really good game. It’s also complicated and occasionally unforgiving, with a ton of rules to learn…
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a big, brilliant game full of secrets to uncover. It’s a blast to explore…
Turns out, kickin’ robot dinosaur ass is kinda hard. If you want to make it in the untamed wilds, you’re going to…
The PS4 samurai action game Nioh is out today. It is really good. It’s also really difficult. If you want to play it…
Resident Evil 7 is full of ooze monsters and creepy cannibals. It can be hard to get your bearings. Fear not,…
Gravity Rush 2 is out today on PS4. I had mixed feelings about the game in general, but I do like a lot of things…
So you’re joining Noctis and crew for the road trip to end all road trips. Now what kind of food should you bring?…
Watch Dogs 2 is out today. It’s a really big game full of stuff to do. It even has dogs for you to watch!
Whether you’re excited for more Dishonored or coming to the series for the first time, here are some tips for the…
What has the internet sent me this time? A buncha rookies by the looks of it. Ya wanna be dangerous pilots and not…
Battlefield 1's multiplayer is very intense. While the game teaches you some basics during the campaign, it doesn’t…
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided is out today. It’s good! And like other games in the series, it gives you a lot of options…
The universe is too vast a place to explore without preparing yourself first. Here’s what you need to know to make…
RimWorld is a phenomenal little game capable of generating stories equal parts hilarious and fucked up. The sci-fi…
The land of Lothric is a deadly place, and Dark Souls 3 doesn’t go out of its way to lend a hand. I’m here to help.
The Division can be fun, but it can also be overwhelming. There are a billion things to do, a thousand “looters” to…
You’re going to need more than a cool dragon transformation if you want to survive out in the battlefield.…
It’s a long, grisly war out there, commanders. These alien occupiers are tough bastards, and you’re gonna lose a lot…
You’re a discerning individual with refined tastes. Let’s say you want a really cool new video game to play. You…