505 Games, fresh from putting out the unlicensed pro football challenger Backbreaker, will bring an unlicensed mixed…
Twenty-five years ago saw the last game of the USFL - a league given no shot against the NFL's monopoly, but beloved…
Backbreaker's creators included a design customization engine so deep, a producer says you can recreate Da Vinci's Th…
Madden isn't the only way to play video game football. It is the only way to play NFL football. Other games must…
The first thing game reviewers see in the box containing review code for next week's Xbox 360 and PS3 football game…
Maybe the only way to make the Oakland Raiders' season interesting past the sixth week would be to force them - and…
The demo for Backbreaker, the football alternative promising real-time physics in place of canned animations, will…
Tired of Madden's arbitrary approach to contact? How its running looks, and feels, more like ice skating? Upcoming…

NaturalMotion's Backbreaker might not have the official NFL license like Madden does, but who needs that when…
Major retailers and multiple sites have all listed Backbreaker with a release date of May 25, one week later than…
505 Games and NaturalMotion's Backbreaker finally gets a proper trailer, complete with pulsing soundtrack and…
I can't imagine how scary it is for a developer to pitch a football video game when their name isn't EA Sports. I…