Which would you rather avoid in the latest Assassin’s Creed game, animals twisted into human shapes, or humans with…
Here’s cosplay superstar Leon Chiro as Bayek from Assassin’s Creed Origins, on a shoot that took him to an actual…
There’ve been hints in the past that Assassin’s Creed and Watch Dogs exist in the same fictional world. A fun new…
It’s finally Friday, and there are three huge video game releases and the new season of Stranger Things to possibly…
Basically the same video game.
There are microtransactions in Assassin’s Creed Origins, as there have been in the last two big installments of the…
For all its extraordinary visual splendor, Assassin’s Creed Origins is ultimately an ordinary video game. That’s not…
We’re streaming Assassin’s Creed Origins. Join us in virtual Egypt as we play on the PS4. We’ll be avoiding spoilers and just showing the basics. Read more
Raphael Lacoste, senior art director at Ubisoft, needed to set the scene for the series’ shift to Egypt for Origins w…
If you were hoping that Assassin’s Creed: Origins would offer lessons in the history of evisceration alongside its gory adventure, you’re in luck. Today, publisher Ubisoft announced the “Discovery Tour,” which will let players “explore Ancient Egypt and learn about its history from guided tours” without combat, story… Read more
In what’s as natural a combination as chocolate and french fries, Final Fantasy XV and Assassin’s Creed Origins will…
At E3 in Los Angeles last month, there were several obvious points of distinction between Assassin’s Creed Origins an…
I played Assassin’s Creed Origins for an hour yesterday, with one of the game’s level designers at my side pointing…
Ubisoft just announced the preorder collector’s editions for their upcoming adventure game Assassin’s Creed Origins.…
Ubisoft hit the stage Monday afternoon at E3 to show a new trailer for Beyond Good & Evil 2, along with some other…
Assassin’s Creed Origins, set in ancient Egypt, is indeed the next entry in the series, coming to PS4, Xbox One and…
The next Assassin’s Creed is going to Egypt, and although Ubisoft hasn’t yet confirmed it, we can piece it together…