Remember last year, when Dirk Loechel showed us a size comparison chart of pretty much every starship you could…
With this design, Smash Bros. suddenly looks like a scene from Samurai Jack in Toxodentrail's excellent fan-art. Read more
And this time it's not even a WesterosCraft build. This is from a Chinese group called Cthuwork. It's pretty…
During E3 2014, video game collectible makers First 4 Figures announced they'd be making a line of statues featuring…

Back in the 1980's and early 1990's, before internet streaming and before anime, Chinese youth had a different…
They are so colorful and detailed. Artist AbyssWolf put together a fantastic piece with all the playable characters…

The mythical Herobrine, a ghost supposedly haunting Minecraft, is usually depicted building creepy structures,…
I'm hesitant to even bring this up because I find the "are games art?" debate useless at best, but Eric Zimmerman…
Look at that. I mean, just look at that.
Between the masterpiece that is "Tanooki Bowser" (pictured above) and the amazing Robin Williams tribute from the other day, it looks like the Art Academy: SketchPad community on Miiverse is one to keep an eye on. Read more
Photographer Pavel Vesnakov is trying something cool: a blending of screenshots and real-world photography…
Doug is probably the only one who doesn't look like an alien from an episode of Justice League in Isaiah Stephen's…
Just like the early plane and tank concepts of Da Vinci, Iron Man's suit has tons of cogwheels, detailed parts and…

In my life, for one reason or another, I've been to quite a few hospitals. I've never seen anything like this.…

Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman, the man who brought the world the giant rubber duck and the giant floating hippo,…
End of Line Design's custom Gears of War 360 controller is probably the only time (Silent Hill aside) it would be OK…
If they weren't dark enough already, Ukranian artist Olggah makes sure they are now, with her realistic Naruto…
Earlier this month, Marvel approved a cover (above, drawn by Milo Manara) for an upcoming issue of Spider-Woman that…

A surprisingly picturesque scene from a barren, icy rock. The subject is a Minecraft map called Frozen Mining Moon, created using WorldPainter by Moonti of Planet Minecraft. You can download the map from the project's page here, and there's more renders below, along with a lovely flythrough video from EnderWorkbench.
Swedish furniture behemoth IKEA has very nice, very large catalogues that I had thought contained hundreds of very…