The iPad really saw a takeover of free-to-play, but pay-to-win games this week. Famrville, We City, City Story, Farm…
The Sims finally push those Angry Birds from their perch.
Remember "Close Range"? The Onion's violent video game satire got a web-based flash game after its hilarious…
Spider-Man may be cool, but he's no angry birds.
First Hoggy, now Backbreaker. NaturalMotion's iPhone/iPad port of its addictive "Tackle Alley" challenge is also…
Angry Birds is flocking on the top spot for both the iPhone and iPad. I was just replying it on my iPhone this…
The iPhone version of The Oregon Trail brings its own beloved brand of interactive illness to this week's chart.…
Madden reigns supreme on this weeks iTunes Chart Topper. Being a digitally distributed port, bargain bin deals the…
Osmos the highly regarded game about little orbs absorbing bigger ones makes it's return to the list. Both iPhone…
Risk : The Official Game takes a unprecedented drop. We Farm for iPad proves iGamers are still not tired of…
Street Fight IV makes its triumphant return to the iPhone list. Scrabble for iPad proves classic games never gets…
Award winners Osmos and Spider: Bryce Manor have commandeered the top iPad spots this week. Star Wars: Battle for…
Angry Birds takes over the top spots on both the iPhone and iPad Lists as we continue our weekly chart topper from…
While micro-transaction games have dominated the bottom half of the iPad chart, Scrabble and GT Racing trade places…
A new trend seems to have taken root as Tap Fish, Godfinger and Fishies make their debuts. The Business model of…
Angry Birds manages to maintain its top spot, holding out against a brand new zombie onslaught.
The continuing success of Angry Birds just goes to show you what a difference aesthetic can make in a game.
Pac-Man is on the charts. Welcome back, old man.
It looks like Resident Evil, but it's not Resident Evil. And it joins the other zombie games that are big on iPhones…
Video games do cause real life violence. I know this because after a half hour of playing Drive-By: Gang Warfare…