This week on Snapshots, a surprising lack of Cyberpunk 2077 screenshots. We got some good ones already, but I was expecting more! Maybe folks are too busy playing the game to snap photos or perhaps it’s just too buggy at the moment.
But it’s okay, because we got some great photos from a bunch of other games, including Mass Effect, Spider-Man, Days Gone, and more.

Spider-Man would be really hard to beat in a snowball fight.
Kotaku Snapshots is a weekly look at some of the best, funniest and coolest screenshots players have taken in their favorite games.
If you have a cool screenshot you want to share with me, I’m @Zwiezenz on Twitter. Or post your photos on Twitter using the hashtag #Ksnapshots. You can also email me. Please provide a screenshot, a name, and the game’s title OR a link to the photo with that info.