I don't know why I'm bothering to even write this off-topic open thread. You guys and gals are probably waiting in line to buy your Kinects or naming your pet tiger cub Skittles by now. Right?
If you're not out there buying into the latest motion control scheme, please, join us for some lovely conversation that doesn't have to be about video games. It definitely doesn't have to be about Kinect, I can assure you that. It can be about how good Sucker Punch looks, for example.
- I guess Bruce Wayne just "outed" himself in the comics - As a benefactor to Batman, that is. DC explains to io9.
- TechCrunch has a great inside baseball Jason Calacanis story - There's a crazy person in here somewhere.
- The full Sucker Punch trailer is here - I liked it more when it made no sense. I love how video game-like this is. Fetch quests!
- Cute Cats playing Wing Chun Sticky Hands! - Who doesn't love cute cat videos? Satan, that's who.