Half the fun of Starfield, Bethesda’s astral smash-hit, is figuring out where to go next. The role-playing game is stocked with troves of procedurally generated content—1,000 planets, some more interesting than others—but the resource-generating Outpost stations could be more helpful in letting players explore the vast reaches of space. Reddit data miners have been finding evidence that the game’s code secretly contains buildable starstation outposts for a while now, and this week, fans modded them in.
In their current form, Starfield’s starstations mostly provide items and combat opportunities. They can’t be built or customized into lively home bases. But at some point, the team at Bethesda seemed to have other plans. Starfield’s code already contains properties that treat space stations similarly to ships; u/afonsolage on Reddit predicted earlier this month “we have Outpost Starstation built in the game, but not finished or available yet.” Based on the script, fans are hoping that starstations will be able to be owned and customized, just like ships. Files show they’d also include docking stations and the ability to assign ships to their defense. While customizable starstations could be on the horizon for the Shattered Space DLC or later, this content may have been scrapped by the development team.
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“It seems that Starstation building will be a reward from a quest,” u/afonsolage speculates in their post. Shortly after Starfield’s September release, Reddit user u/shmid9804 also found that vendors had starstation parts like solar panels and docking ports in their game files.
Until Bethesda potentially adds starstations in an official capacity, a free mod on Nexus Mods based on existing game files should take care of your craving.
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The Spacestations for Outposts mod is buggy, its creator admits, so you may have trouble using its docking feature, but it should otherwise allow you to create “fully working Starstations.”
“Working space stations is [sic] better than perfect space stations,” they wrote in the mod’s description. And if Starfield’s data truly communicates Bethesda’s plans, one day, you might have both.